Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I thought this would be a great place to talk about how my training for the triathlon is coming. For those of you who don't know, my New Year's resolution 2009 is to compete in the Siouxperman triathlon on May 2nd.

As of yesterday, I am officially registered. I think I was the fourth person to register. Ha! Only 300 people are allowed to register for this event, so I wanted to make sure I got in :-)

Here's the website: http://www.siouxperman.com/

I'm pretty excited. I have been wanting to do something like this since high school. This specific Tri is a sprint triathlon. Which means it's about half as far as a 'typical' triathlon.

I found a 16 week training schedule online that I will be following to a "t".

I won't begin official training until Monday the 12th because that will make it exactly 16 weeks until race day. However, I did get really excited on Sunday and I told Jacob that I was going to go to the Faith fitness center and bike 12 miles...'just to see what it feels like'. Thankfully my wise husband brought me down to earth and suggested that I 'try' to complete 6 miles. I said "yah-yah, I'll see how I feel at 6, but I'll prolly do the 12, just this once."

Haha! After about 10 minutes I kept looking at the bike screen thinking......2.5 miles! You've got to be kidding me! Needless to say, I didn't make it to 12 :-) But that's me for yah. Half the reason I never stick to an exercise program is because I like to go all out and push myself further than I should. Then when it comes time to exercise again, I dread it because of how hard it was....seriously??

So, I bought a swim suit today on sale :-) It's purple and pink (of course)...we'll see if it's the same suit I use in the race. My suits usually don't last that long......stinking swimsuit eating chlorine! I even rinse them out after each use!

I don't have a bike yet, but I hope to borrow one or have my own by then. I also need to get running shoes as I have busted holes in the sides of the ones I have.

I will be using Faiths fitness center to do my running and biking until the weather is nicer and I can go outside. For a pool I will be using one that is in a town kiddy corner from Ankeny, but on my way home from work on Mon and Wed nights, which is when I plan to do my pool workouts.

My friend Kristen is contemplating joining me. She's not 100% sold yet.

That reminds me, I should probably reserve a hotel room before they are full. The race is about 4 hours NW of Ankeny.

I think that about brings me up to date for now! I'll be back next week after my official training has begun!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey... I'm 100% sold now! :) I'm planning on doing it in 2012! HA HA

I do wish I would have participated in this with you while you were here... :(