Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well, I am happy to report that training is going great! I have been on top of things and doing my work outs 5 days a week! The trainings have fit really well into my schedule - I ususally workout in the evenings. I have decided that I will NEVER be the kind of person that can wake up to go work out. There are SO many things wrong with that! I'm relaxed, in my nice warm covers - there is NO WAY that I'm going to want to drag myself to the gym to sweat! I prefer to save it until I'm stressed from work and then I feel great!

I have decided that I want to purchase a bike for the race. (Birthday $$-hint!) I'm saving my 'dolla' and hope to be able to buy a decent used bike by the end of March, no later than April, because I want to train on the real thing for a while before the big day.

I was completely surprised this past week when someone told me that I enspired them to do a triathlon too! I have only been training for 3 weeks and I've already inspired someone else! That is so exciting. Her name is Joelle. I went to college with her. Apparently her family is from the area. She invited Jacob and I to stay at their house instead of getting a motel. This was AMAZING timing because I was considering booking a motel soon as I'm sure they will fill up quickly! Anyways, when she checked with her parents, her dad suggested they all do the Triathlon as a team. So Joelle, her dad and her brother will each do a leg of the race. It will be nice to know someone there.

I am so excited for this I can hardly wait! Last week I dreamed I did the whole race....and then the same night, I dreamed I did it again! Haha! But the second time I dreamed it, I could finish the race because the biking portion of the race had taken place the day before! It was bizzar.

I think one of the next things I need to do is to make a Dr. appointment. I NEED some inhailers when my runs start to get longer. I took a jog outside this past week and almost died doing a mile and a half....gulp! I think that is the only part of the race that I am truely nervous about!

"Why are my toes getting numb?"

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